Coursera: Machine Learning (Week 9) [Assignment Solution] - Andrew NG
▸ Anomaly detection algorithm to detect failing servers on a network. ▸ Collaborative filtering to build a recommender system …
▸ Anomaly detection algorithm to detect failing servers on a network. ▸ Collaborative filtering to build a recommender system …
▸ K-means clustering algorithm to compress an image. ▸ Principal component analysis to find a low-dimensional representation o…
▸ Support vector machines (SVMs) to build a spam classifier. I have recently completed the Machine Learning course from Courser…
▸ Regularized linear regression to study models with different bias-variance properties. I have recently completed the Machine …
▸ Back-propagation algorithm for neural networks to the task of hand-written digit recognition. I have recently completed the M…
▸ One-vs-all logistic regression and neural networks to recognize hand-written digits. I have recently completed the Machine Le…
▸ Logistic regression and apply it to two different datasets. I have recently completed the Machine Learning course from Course…
▸ Linear regression and get to see it work on data. I have recently completed the Machine Learning course from Coursera by Andr…
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